10/1/24 Issued Directives to SASP

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May 18, 2024
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Approved and reviewed by Director Reeves
Approved and reviewed by Deputy Director Smith
Of the San Andreas Public Safety Department

SADPS Directive 24-1:01 Shooting from the inside of a vehicle
From: Director Reeves SADPS Status: Active
To: ALL Active employees within the SASP Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

Officers are only allowed to discharge their service weapon inside the patrol vehicle during the following circumstances:

  • Direct life threat and the officer's vehicle is stationary (Ex. In a traffic stop position), the officer is allowed to discharge their service weapon and mitigate the imminent danger that has been presented to them.
  • Officers are not allowed to discharge their service weapon while being involved in a pursuit or any other circumstance where the discharging of such weapons does not guarantee the accuracy to terminate the threat, and it could result in injuries to bystanders.
  • Exemption: For pursuits, you are allowed to discharge when you are stationary, (not moving) and there are no other civilians or buildings around, and taking into account that there is an imminent danger that puts life at risk to either the peace officers or bystanders. This must be used as a last resort and for extreme situations.
  • If the circumstances of the situation do not allow the officer to safely exit their vehicle or do it in the specified amount of time, the officer is allowed to discharge their weapon within their own vehicle.

Shooting from the inside of a vehicle is only permitted as a last resort in a situation where the life of the peace officer is in danger.

SADPS Directive 24-1:02 Pursuit Intervention Tactics
From: Director Reeves SADPS Status: Active
To: ALLL Active employees within the SASP Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

  • When it comes to Pursuit Intervention Tactics, they are considered as dangerous and risky maneuvers that are conducted to stop a fleeing suspect and terminate a pursuit. When performing such maneuvers, the following guidelines must be followed by all officers.
  • The supervisor on duty must be notified on the weather conditions, traffic/pedestrians, and speeds, after doing so, the supervisor will either approve or deny such Pursuit Intervention Tactics, either if it is a pit maneuver, spike strips or a roadblock.
  • In the case that there are no supervisors, officers must contact either the director or deputy director of DPS.
  • In the case that no one is available and it is totally necessary to do such Intervention Tactics, officers are allowed to perform it with extreme caution, always taking in mind and analyzing the speeds, traffic/pedestrians, weather conditions, or any other detail regarding the pursuit.
  • Take into account that there are certain types of vehicles that must not be intervened with such tactics, such as either spike strips, roadblocks, or pit maneuvers.
  • ○ Vehicles such as:​

    ■ Spike strips or pit maneuvers must not be conducted against them.​

    ■ Pit maneuvers must not be conducted with semi-trucks or heavy type vehicles.​

    ■ Any vehicle that is not listed over here does not mean can be Intervened, it must be analyzed closely.​

    Always have common sense and ask a supervisor before intervening in any sort of vehicle.

SADPS Directive 24-1:03 Offroading
From: Director Reeves SADPS
Status: Active
To: Active employees within the SASP
Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

Offroading either if it is during a pursuit or a major scene where it is required to do so. It is allowed to conduct such driving maneuvers, but always following the stipulated guidelines below.
● Off-roading is allowed to be conducted as far as your vehicle can resist it, and the off-road terrain is not:

○ Mountains

○ The terrain is filled with rocks and obstacles

○ Downhills

○ Any terrain that will highly damage your vehicle or cause a danger to yourself or others.

● The following type of vehicles will be allowed to conduct offroading maneuvers.

○ SUV and Off-road type vehicles, such as:

■ SUVs

■ Pickups


All other vehicles must be used with extreme caution.

SADPS Directive 24-1:04Motor Vehicle Accidents
From: Director Reeves SADPS
Status: Active
To: ALL Active employees within the SASP
Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

When being involved in a motor vehicle accident, either if it is during a pursuit or just while patrolling the following guidelines and procedures must be followed.

● If being involved in a crash:
○ If there are injuries involved in such MVA, either if it is yourself or a bystander, first aid is to be administered and the request of EMS/Fire is needed to be done immediately.​
○ If damage to the vehicle is present, but there are no major injuries that require a response from EMS/Fire, you may call yourself out of the pursuit, without interrupting any other transmission, afterwards a supervisor is to be requested at your location. This supervisor will ensure that you did not break any traffic/department rule when involved in this crash.​
○ If damage during a pursuit is presented, but it does not impede you from continuing, you may continue, take in mind that this is only allowed with minor damage (Ex. Broken Tail Light, Small bumps, Bumper damage), after the pursuit has concluded you must head to the nearest station and change/repair your vehicle.​

● If you are involved in a crash while patrolling, you must follow a similar procedure.

○ Request EMS/Fire to your location if injuries are present and need medical or rescue services.​
○ Request a supervisor to your location for the verification of your liability in the crash. Afterwards tow the vehicle or if driveable head out to the nearest station for a repair/change of vehicle.​

● It is very important that you put officers safety first in any type of situation, if you are a unit involved in a pursuit and someone crashes or is injured during this pursuit, you must stop and follow all of the department procedures, administer first aid, call EMS/Fire and a supervisor.

SADPS Directive 24-1:05 Usage of the Taser
From: Director Reeves SADPS
Status: Active
To: ALL Active employees within the SASP
Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

The taser is a great less than lethal weapon that is utilized by Law Enforcement Officers to de-escalate situations and incapacitated individuals that are being aggressive, non-compliant, using a weapon in a negligent manner, etc. However it must be used wisely in all situations, therefore the following guidelines are to be followed.

● Tasers must be used wisely when dealing with a suspect that its location is in any type of water, the reason being for the belief or possibility that the individual could drown.​
○ Some of the law enforcement officers believe that the danger of tasing someone in the water is because the action of tasing someone that is in contact with any sort of water might electrocute him at higher levels than expected, this is not true at all.​
● The usage of a taser when a suspect is mentally not stable or in a suicidal role must be extremely wise, if someone has any sort of weapon used with the intent of any self-harm, the usage of a taser is not recommended.​
● The usage of a taser when a suspect is in a vehicle and in the driver's seat or it is in motion is strongly discouraged.​

Always analyze the situation and verify if the usage of the taser is accurate according to the situation.

SADPS Directive 24-1:06 Uniform Standards
From: Director Reeves SADPS
Status: Active
To: ALL Active employees within the SASP
Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

Female Hair Standards: On-Duty uniformed female Officers shall arrange their hair so as not to interfere with vision in any way. Hair is authorized to be slicked back into a tight bun with no straggling hairs on the back of the person's head. Hair must as well be a natural color.

Male Hair Standards: On-Duty uniformed male Officers shall keep their hair properly trimmed. The hair shall be at least moderately tapered, shall not extend below the top of the shirt collar nor cover/touch any portion of the ear, and shall not interfere with vision in any way. Hair must as well be a natural color.

Mustaches: A short and neatly trimmed mustache of natural color may be worn. Mustaches shall not exceed below the vermilion border of the upper lip or the corners of the mouth and may not extend to the side more than one-half inch beyond the corners of the mouth.

Beard: Officers shall have a neatly trimmed beard when reporting to duty. Beards must be a natural color.

Jewelry/Accessories: All types of earrings and necklaces are to not be worn while On-Duty. Sunglasses and Watches may be worn but must match the uniform colors. If you choose to wear gloves while On-Duty, the gloves cover the whole hand.

It is the Officer's responsibility to look at the uniform roster to ensure that they are wearing the appropriate uniform before patrolling.

SADPS Directive 24-1:07 Armor and Vest Policy
From: Director Reeves SADPS
Status: Active
To: ALL Active employees within the SASP
Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

When it comes to armor and officer safety, we must be informed and prepared for any type of situation, however specifically for armor and vests, officers must follow the guidelines listed below:

● Vests are to be worn at all times while on patrol or on duty with the exception of specialized divisions such as SAR/ESU while performing rescue operations/duties

● There are 2 types of vests available to all officers. This is an outer carrier that is worn over the uniform or concealed armor that is worn inside the uniform top.

SADPS Directive 24-1:08 Department Radio Communications
From: Director Reeves SADPS
Status: Active
To: ALL Active employees within the SASP
Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

Radio communication and panic buttons are useful tools that help Law Enforcement Officers organize, communicate, and advise their status. (Panic buttons and radio communications are not to be used while being dead.)

● Speak clearly and communicate the key information, refrain from remaining on the air for extended periods of time and providing useless information. Use proper call signs and clear cut requests/directions.

● If you feel the situation is becoming dangerous and you are hands on or occupied with the suspect use the panic button. It is there for this exact reason or in the event you are unable to speak. The issued departmental radios come with GPS monitoring/tracking of all portable and mobile units.

● (If being killed by accident or intentionally, Officers are not allowed to use or operate their radio communications and panic button. If doing so while being dead it is to be considered a failure to RP, since it is unrealistic and unprofessional.) If you are to be caught doing so you will be disciplined for such inappropriate actions, therefore you should refrain from doing so.

SADPS Directive 24-1:09 Communications Plan
From: Director Reeves SADPS
Status: Active
To: ALL Active employees within the SASP
Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

  • Attached is the Radio Communications Plan for the State issue portables.
    • COMM-1 This is a general use cross department channel for coordination
    • COMM-2 This is a general use cross department channel for coordination
    • COMM-3 This is a general use cross department channel for coordination
    • CTYWIDE This is the MAIN Police channel City Use
    • COWIDE This is the MAIN Police channel for County Use
    • PD-TAC This is a tactical channel for multi unit event/incident Patrol use
    • PD-TAC2 This is a tactical channel for multi unit event/incident Patrol use
    • PD-TAC3 This is a tactical channel for multi unit event/incident Patrol use
    • PD-ESU This is a unit dedicated channel for ESU while on rescue/medical events
    • PD-ERT This is a unit designed channel for ERT/SWAT while deployed on events
    • PD-TRFC This is a unit dedicated channel for Traffic/HEAT
    • PD-F&W This is a Fish & Wildlife dedicated channel
    • PD-F&W2 This is a Fish & Wildlife dedicated channel
    • PD-S&R This is a S&R dedicated channel while training/during events
    • PD-CID This is the MAIN CID channel
    • PD-NARC This is for Narcotics detectives/units for events/operations
    • PD-GANG This is for Gang Units/detectives for events/operations
    • PD-MJRC This is the Major Crimes Channel for detectives
    • PD-AIR This is for Air Operations non pursuit related
    • FD MAIN This is the MAIN FIRE DEPARTMENT channel
    • FD-FG01 This is a TAC Channel for FD Ops
    • FD-FG02 This is a TAC Channel for FD Ops
    • FD-FG03 This is a TAC Channel for FD Ops
    • EMS-Main This is the MAIN channel for EMS use
    • EMS-OPS This is a secondary operation channel for EMS use
    • DPS-OPS This is the MAIN DPS Channel.
    • DOT-TG1 This is for DOT use only
    • DOT-TG2 This is for DOT use only.

  • SASP Shall use City Wide at all times during their patrol within the city until they need a tac channel for general use or an event.
  • Specialized units have dedicated channels for events as needed for communication
  • COMM 1-3 is to be used for multi agency callouts. I.e. shootings and search/rescue
  • [[In the event that you are on an operation and in a tac channel need to reach out via a COMM channel discord use is allowed as they are IC Channels.]]

SADPS Directive 24-1:10 Requesting DPS Assistance
From: Director Reeves SADPS
Status: Active
To: ALL Active employees within the SASP
Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

In the event that you require coordination between multiple agencies or larger scale events the DPS has a mobile command center and a mobile command unit that can be deployed as needed. The DPS have oversight over all governmental agencies and will assist where needed. They are law enforcement officers who have taken a larger administrative role to ensure departmental cooperation and continuity in the absence of supervision or in events where additional coordination is required between agencies.

● The MCC is a large-scale mobile command center while the MCU is a smaller command unit.​
○ Additionally the DPS has other specialized vehicles such as UTVs​
● Officers of the SASP may file direct complaints or concerns within their department or other departments with the DPS if they feel the situation has not been mediated correctly.​

If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to Director Reeves or Deputy Director Smith.

SADPS Directive 24-1:11 Supervisor Request by Officers
From: Director Reeves SADPS
Status: Active
To: ALL Active employees within the SASP
Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

Supervisors and high ranking staff members are at your total disposal at any moment of your patrol, therefore you should request and acknowledge the following guidelines:

● When a civilian requests a supervisor, you are required to request one for the civilian or the person that is making the request.

○ If you feel that the situation is getting out of control and you are losing command presence over the person or situation you are more than welcome to call a supervisor to assist you.

● When questions arise during patrol, you are welcome to contact them via cell phone or landline. DO NOT use your department issued radio to ask questions and take up air time that should remain clear at all times unless being used in an official capacity and performance of duties.

SADPS Directive 24-1:12 Alcohol and Tobacco Policies
From: Director Reeves SADPS
Status: Active
To: ALL Active employees within the SASP
Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

Officers are always to be set at the highest standards in the department, therefore when it regards the consumption of alcohol and tobacco products, they always maintain professionalism, as a result of this officers must follow the guidelines and policies listed below:

● The consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, vape, tobacco or drugs is not allowed to be done while actively enforcing the duties of a Law Enforcement Officer and actively patrolling as an employee of the SASP. Therefore you should not be consuming any of these substances while scenes, patrolling or any sort of event during a patrol.

○ Exemption: Officers that are regular consumers are allowed to have smoke breaks at the nearest station.

SADPS Directive 24-1:13 No Pursuit Policy
From: Director Reeves SADPS
Status: Active
To: ALL Active employees within the SASP
Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

During certain situations, pursuits may become increasingly dangerous for LEO, pedestrians, and the occupants of other motor vehicles on the roadway. Officers are expected to understand when a pursuit could be too dangerous or is too dangerous, following the guidelines listed below:

● While in a vehicle pursuit Officers are required to drive with extreme caution and due regard, in order to preserve the safety of themselves and the public. If speeds are maintained and exceed 120 MPH, deputies should consider terminating the pursuit with permission from a supervisor.

○ Exemptions of this particular part of the policy involve HEAT while in pursuit. If HEAT is available and not already in the pursuit they should be requested to take over the pursuit. These officers have specialized vehicles and training to continue high stakes pursuits.

● Whenever a motorcycle or motorbike decides to evade or flee, you are NOT to pursue the vehicle. When they decide to do so, you are to put out a BOLO for the vehicle and if possible obtain the tag.

○ Exemptions may include slow speed chases, for example they decide to take off at only about 5-15 MPH

○ Never P.I.T. a motorcycle while they are traveling at a high rate of speed, this will result in serious injury or death and you will be disciplined.

SADPS Directive 24-1:14 Vehicle Responsibility Standards
From: Director Reeves SADPS
Status: Active
To: ALL Active employees within the SASP
Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

It doesn’t come as a surprise that our vehicles at some point will experience some hardships like being stolen, or damaged. The following guidelines are put into place to ensure that officers are being responsible for their patrol vehicles and that we can prevent the situations from coming up:

● Officers are to make sure that their vehicles are LOCKED at all times when out on foot. This is to ensure the vehicle isn’t stolen, as these vehicles are costly to the taxpayers of San Andreas.

○ Side note, discipline will be taken upon the loss of your patrol vehicle. All of the equipment and the car itself loses the department a substantial amount of money.

○ You are exempt if your car getting stolen is out of your control. For example, you may get held at gunpoint. If that is the case, we ask you to abide by all of their orders as your life is more important than the cars.

● Whenever the vehicle obtains any type of damage, depending on the severity, you will drive it or tow it back to the station for repairs. You can retrieve a replacement vehicle to replace the damaged vehicle until it is repaired.

SADPS Directive 24-1:15 Insubordination/Chain of Command
From: Director Reeves SADPS
Status: Active
To: ALL Active employees within the SASP
Date of Creation: 10/01/2024


While your command finds new things to add or discuss, any guidelines we make for everyone must be followed without disregarding it because you don't agree with it.

● If a directive is issued reporting there's a new way to patrol, you can say you don't like it, but you must follow it unless otherwise instructed by a member of the DPS.

● If you fail to follow directions that are set by DPS or SASP command, you can face disciplinary action.

● Directives are implemented for everyone's safety and to ensure the departments function with professionalism. Directives also ensure effectiveness and fair standards across all divisions/departments.

● If you have any concerns or questions about a intradepartmental concern, reach out to a member of the DPS. Likewise applies for interdepartmental concerns.

Chain Of Command, is something that has been disregarded and pushed aside because of reasons that are unimaginable. The use of chain of command is required, and is meant to go to the appropriate rank to ask a question, and not go straight to a command member or a High Command member.

● If you have a question, you must ask a Corporal first, if none of them can give you an answer, you can go to a supervisor, followed by command, and so on and so forth.

● If you skip a rank, you will face disciplinary action.

SADPS Directive 24-1:16 Staging Units
From: Director Reeves SADPS
Status: Active
To: ALL Active employees within the SASP
Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

San Andreas Fire Rescue Staging Guidelines:

The SAFR offers both fire suppression and medical capabilities. In the event that you have an active shooter or shooting in general and medical is in enroute they will stage as per policy you must advise them it is clear to proceed in. Members of the SAFR will NOT enter scenes that are not secured or safe. This is both in the event of a fire or medical emergency.

● If ESU is active they can respond and start rendering aid until a SAFR unit is available to continue in or if the scene is not secured yet and the unit is staged.

● All department issued radios have all of the SASP/SAFR and DPS frequencies. Ensure you are on the correct channel during events. During a multi agency event you are encouraged to use a COMM frequency. Otherwise a single officer on scene may switch to the first available COMM Channel and SAFR will do the same to ease communication.

SADPS Directive 24-1:17 off Duty Guidelines
From: Director Reeves SADPS
Status: Active
To: ALL Active employees within the SASP
Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

Officers off duty shall conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. It is encouraged that if you carry your duty firearm while off duty to refrain from illicit drug use and alcohol consumption. You will be held to higher standards of conduct.

[[There is no conflicting rule or guidelines for role playing dirty/corrupt and is allowed.]]

[[You may also have multiple accounts for different jobs or criminal activities without issue]]

[[You cannot however use IC information between account as this would be considered metagaming]]

SADPS Directive 24-1:18 Use Of Force
From: Director Reeves SADPS
Status: Active
To: ALL Active employees within the SASP
Date of Creation: 10/01/2024

  • Department members shall only use that level of force which is objectively reasonable, and force should be used as a last resort.
  • Department members should endeavor to de-escalate confrontations through tactical communication, warnings, and other common sense methods preventing the need to use force whenever reasonably possible.

  • Force is defined as any physical effort used to control or restrain another, or to overcome the resistance of another.

  • Department members are authorized to use only that amount of force that is objectively reasonable to perform their duties. "Objectively reasonable" means that Department members shall evaluate each situation requiring the use of force in light of the known circumstances, including, but not limited to, the severity of the crime at issue, whether the suspect poses an immediate threat to the safety of the member or others, and whether the suspect is actively resisting, in determining the necessity for force and the appropriate level of force. Department members maintain the right to self-defense and have a duty to protect the lives of others.

  • UNREASONABLE FORCE Department members shall use only that force which is objectively reasonable. Unreasonable force is that force that is unnecessary or excessive given the totality of the circumstances presented to Department members at the time the force is applied. Unreasonable force is prohibited. The use of unreasonable force will subject Department members to discipline and/or prosecution.

  • The following uses of force are prohibited unless circumstances justify the use of deadly force:
  • Head strike(s) with an impact weapon;
  • Deliberately or recklessly striking an individual’s head against a hard, fixed object (e.g., roadway, driveway, concrete floor, wall, jail bars, etc.);
  • From a standing position kicking an individual in the head with a shod foot while the individual is lying on the ground/floor; and/or,
  • Kneeing an individual in the head, deliberately or recklessly causing their head to strike the ground, floor, or other hard, fixed object.

  • The Department’s policy on use of firearms and deadly force is:
  • Discharging a firearm at another human being is an application of deadly force and must, therefore, be objectively reasonable.
  • Each Department member discharging a firearm must establish independent reasoning for using deadly force.
  • The fact that other law enforcement personnel discharge firearms is not by itself sufficient to justify the decision by a Department member to shoot;
  • Department members may use deadly force in self-defense or in the defense of others, only when they reasonably believe that death or serious physical injury is about to be inflicted upon themselves or others;
  • Department members may use deadly force to effect the arrest or prevent the escape of a fleeing felon only when they have probable cause to believe that the suspect represents a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the member or other person(s). If feasible, members shall identify themselves and state their intention to shoot before firing at a fleeing felon;
  • The firing of warning shots is inherently dangerous. They should not be fired except under the most compelling circumstances. Warning shots may be fired in an effort to stop a person only when the Department member is authorized to use deadly force, and if the member reasonably believes a warning shot can be fired safely in light of all the circumstances of the encounter;
  • Cover fire is defined as target specific controlled fire which is directed at an adversary who poses an immediate and on-going lethal threat.This tactic shall only be utilized when the use of deadly force is legally justified. Target acquisition and communication are key elements in the successful use of this tactic. Department members employing cover fire must establish their reason(s) for utilizing this tactic.

  • The shooting of animals that are not a threat of serious bodily injury to a person has proved to be inherently dangerous to bystanders as well as Department personnel.
  • Therefore, Department members shall not use firearms to shoot animals fighting with other animals (e.g., dogs).
  • If it becomes necessary to dispatch an injured animal (euthanasia) by use of a firearm and the conditions are such that there is an extended or inappropriate response time by the animal control agency, authorization to use a firearm on an animal must be obtained from an on-scene supervisor.
  • Personnel may use firearms to employ deadly force when dealing with animals when they reasonably believe that death or serious physical injury is about to be inflicted upon themselves or others.

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